Hello everyone!!
My feet hurt. A lot. I either need new feet or someone to come rub the old ones as it's pretty bad! I actually had to buy flat shoes (I needed them!!!) on my way to meet Al yesterday as hobbling is not a good look for me! The pain is ok though as it's all for very good reasons! i've been gigging lots up and down the country, carrying loads of gear around and it's been good for me! I'm building up my stamina for when the album's done and the boys and I finally go out on the road! I've also been performing with Battle of The Divas which is a brilliant gig! The above photo was taken by the wonderful Gary O'Brien of Go Photo Ltd. If you have a Facebook account, look him up and check out the Battle of The Divas folder on his profile! He's captured the best moments! Yesterday, I went to Old Street and filmed a masterclass for Audiojack on performing backing vocals. It was a great session which will hopefully be online in the next few weeks. I'll let you know when you can check it out!
My gig at The Yardbird, Birmingham as part of Artsfest was so much fun! I don't mind doing solo gigs but I miss the guys and every now and then I get stuck on autopilot and count them in even though I'm on my own! Silly! Lots of people turned out, (including some surprising and very welcome blasts from the past), it's a lovely, cosy venue and I really appreciate the support! Also, the sun was shining so that was a bonus!
My Mom is the greatest! She was my roadie, PA, camera lady, agent.... and all with a smile on her face! I love her a lot! We are a comedy duo though as in classic style, we got lost and somehow, I always manage to find the one person who isn't from the town we're in to ask for directions! We got there in the end though and had a great gig! Artsfest is a very good festival with loads going on - dance, art, fitness, music, flower shows, I'm sure I saw maypole dancing.... - and all within walking distance of one another. Next year, I hope to return with full band and rock the outdoor stage. I'm working on it!!
I'm writing this in bed as I'm quite sleepy today. My eyes are saying "And we're open because...??" I am going to get up and practice in a bit though as I'm playing solo again tonight! Must file my nails, have a steam, drink some honey and lemon, warm my fingers up and not forget my gloves! My extremities get cold as I still get nervous about playing! I'm no Pat Metheny!! But that's ok. I bet his feet don't hurt. I will write again soon! Mxxx